Fri 02/08/2019

The warehouse wall was absolutely rife with moths this morning. I can’t do it though – no matter how much I try, I can’t get good shots round that side of the warehouse that time in the morning. I don’t know if it is the brown background messing up the light-metering or what, but all the shots are washed out and pallid. I can compensate somewhat with software, but it’s not a natural look. Anyway, let’s have a yellow shell moth first; this was behind a down-pipe and doesn’t look too bad, then a lovely brimstone and a small emerald.

Yellow Shell moth Camptogramma bilineata
Yellow Shell moth Camptogramma bilineata
Brimstone moth Opisthograptis luteolata
Brimstone moth Opisthograptis luteolata
Small Emerald moth Hemistola chrysoprasaria
Small Emerald moth Hemistola chrysoprasaria


About the most interesting thing though, was this little beetle. I could not see it properly without my glasses, but I trusted that a few photos would suffice to get a proper ID. It wouldn’t keep still once I pointed the camera at it, hence the blurry motion sickness, but what a little beauty eh?


Here is an ermine moth similar to the one I photographed on Tue 16/07/19. The markings are not identical; this one seems to have more spots, but still probably not enough to be a bird-cherry ermine, so I am not going to attempt a specific ID.

And just to round things off, here is a much better shot of the micro moth Cochylis molliculana, one of which was included on Mon 29/07/19. Can see individual wing scales on this one!

Micro moth Cochylis molliculana
Micro moth Cochylis molliculana

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